

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 5 - Montego Bay, Jamaica

Today was the last day of vacation bible school at Redemption Chapel. I thought that I would get really emotional, but I remained strong partly because I have made a decision to visit Redemption Chapel during July for the next 3 years. The relationships that I've built with children in Canterbury Village, within the past four days, have been life altering. 

 After vacation bible school today, we had the opportunity to go on a tour of Canterbury higher up on the hillside. The paths that the residents have to use are by far no easy feat. I was tired, panting, gasping for air and slipping on rocks. 😳 The picture above shows a little 3 year old boy leading the group that I was in. I call him my "little mountain goat". 😊 He led the group the entire way up and then would look back as he made it to the top and have a look on his face like, "Are y'all coming or what?" Lol! 
This is the view from the top. ❤️
This picture shows the view as one ascends back down the rocky hillside. 

What an awesome experience!!! I have a changed perspective on so many things! I can't wait to continue making a difference in the lives of children in MN. 
Thank you, Coretta for planting the seed of stepping out on faith and doing a mission trip. Thank you, Kendra for asking me to be a part of such an awesome and humbling experience. The intended goal was for kids to have an awareness of God and what he wants from us. Many children professed God as their Lord and Savior. To me...this means that the mission was accomplished. I can't wait to do more mission trips with you ladies as we still have more work to do.

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