

Saturday, July 22, 2017

2017 Mission Jamaica - Final Blog

Yesterday, we had a day of fun in which we went to Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios. There were many memories created that I will cherish forever. Here's to another completed mission. Until next year!!! 


Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 6 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

Galatians 5:22-23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

Just like that VBS is over. What an experience! This is my second year doing a missions trip and each year I learn more about myself during this time. I become more humble and truly open myself up to be a servant of God's will. It is during this time that it is more clear what my purpose in life is. 

If you have had a desire to do a missions trip, I encourage you to try it. I guarantee that it will be life altering. Below you will find the following:
- A picture of the kids playing a game to wrap up today's VBS. 
- An example of one of the crafts completed by the kids. 
- The last two pictures are of us getting a tour of the parish by a couple of the teenagers. I'm definitely feeling the workout now that I'm now relaxed. 


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Days 4 and 5 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

Day 4

Psalms 56:3
“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.”
Yikes!!! I forgot to blog last night. So now you will get a two for one. 

Day 4 is the day in which you start forming an attachment to the kids. Reality begins to set in that within the next couple of days, VBS will come to an end. 


Day 5

Galatians 6:9
“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.”

Jamaica fun facts:
-Dominoes is a national sport 
-Women out number men 2:1
-It's so hot here you sweat through your clothes daily
-The driver side is on the right side of the vehicle and they drive crazy as all get out 🙃
-Mega Mart is Jamaica's Sam's Club 
-The KFC here in Montego Bay brings in the most revenue than any other KFC in the world  

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 3 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

Acts 10:34-35
Peter said, "I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him. 

VBS Theme: We are Soliders in the Army

Today was the first day of VBS. A skit was done on fairness. The kids were expected to recite, explain meaning and memorize the above noted scripture. I had the high school group. I brought some fidget spinners as prizes for the first two kids who were able to recite the verse from memory first. Had I known the fidget spinners would be such a hit, I would have brought more. I had kids and adults alike asking for a fidget spinner.  Below is a picture of one of the helpers. As I was leaving the church she approaches me and says,
"Miss, you know I want a fidget spinner ya know."
 I looked and said, "Are you asking me for a fidget spinner?" 
She said, "Yes, Miss."
I busted out laughing and said, "Now you know you need to be shame for asking me for a fidget spinner!" She started laughing with me. Hence the picture of how she approached me about the fidget spinner. Lol!!! 

One of the male helpers approached me and said, "Miss, are you giving out fidget spinners?"
I said, "Yes, to a couple of kids".
He says, "I don't want one, but did you know that they were created to help children with Autism?" 
I said, "Yep, and they help children who have ADHD too."

Today was a great day!!! I love Jamaica mon! 

As you know, my birthday was on Monday. Before leaving VBS for the day the kids and adults sang happy birthday to me. I wasn't expecting a cake, so I made sure to bring something sweet with me on the trip. My choice of sweetness were some Minnecookies that I bought and packed just for the trip. Though I'm in Jamaica, I could taste the nice all the way from Minnesota. 
Thank you Jenny Peterson for the cookies!!! 


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 2 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

Today we went to church. The message that I took away was two fold. 

Message #1: Most people will get a burning desire to help others. This is God tugging at you to do His work. 

Message #2: Depression is real. In order to get out of a state of depression, if one is not connected to God, it will take you longer to get out of that depressive state.

Tomorrow we begin VBS. 
Theme: Fight the Good Fight 

I had some more donation money come in after my thank you blog had posted last week. The amount of money that I will be giving the pastor has increased by $200. All I can say is that God is good and I am forever grateful for each of you that gave. Never underestimate what He can do. I've included pics of what your donation money purchased. The other missionaries that came with me brought snacks, koolaid and school supplies for the kids. Thanks again for everything!


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 1 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

I made it to Jamaica safely. I wasn't use to traveling with so many bags and forgot one of my luggages at baggage claim. I noticed that I forgot my bag while still at the airport waiting to be picked up. In most airports in the states, I would have been able to walk back into the airport and grab my bag that I left. My experience today marked a lesson learned in never forgetting another bag. All I can say is OMG!!! An hour later I was given my bag. Thank you, Jesus!!!

As the other ladies and I planned out specifics about vacation bible school (VBS) with the pastor. We had quite the downpour. After it rained I witnessed this (see the picture below). What are the odds of observing a double rainbow? It was during this time that the pastor was telling us the importance of building meaningful lifetime relationships with children and how there was one young man who came to the pastors wife expressing that he didn't want to live anymore. He also shared his plan of how he would end his life. 

There is much work to do. I pray that God works through me on my christian journey to the point in which others know that I am a child of God by just being around me. 

Live ~ Laugh ~ Love 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Thank You for your Donations!!!

I want to publicly thank those who either donated money and/or items for my Jamaica Missions trip.

Cherise Ayers ~ Sara Cisneros ~ Irma Coleman ~ Stephanie Crosby ~ Angela Davis ~ Bessie Griffin  ~ Alberta Johnson ~ Aisha Mgeni ~ Armetha Pihlstrom ~ Carolyn & Willis Roberson ~ Bunny Robinson ~ Mary Robinson ~ Lisa Sayles-Adams ~ Karla Spencer-George ~ Pam Stewart ~ Demress Stockman ~ Doris Tenner-Lewis & Joe Lewis, Sr. ~ Debra Ticey ~ Christina & Ben Trok ~ Jackie Turner

Thank you again for donating!!! I was able to reach my fundraising goal and could not have done it without you! The money you gave paid for a weeks worth of vacation bible school crafts for 48 children. I was also able to get age appropriate gifts for the children whom range in age from 4-18. There is a remaining $300 that will be given to the pastor to assist with making repairs on the church. If I forgot anyone, charge it to my mind and not my heart. 

Many thanks to you all and God Bless! 
XOXO!!! ~ Shannon Tenner

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Mission Trip 2017

In fourteen days I will be embarking on my 2nd Mission Trip. It is through my blog that I'll be sharing day by day what transpires. I'm super excited to go and reconnect with the kids and the adults in which relationships were established from last years mission trip. Please pray for the residents within Canterbury. Also pray for those of us that are about to make this journey across the world to do God's work. #MissionJamaica2017