

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 2 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

Today we went to church. The message that I took away was two fold. 

Message #1: Most people will get a burning desire to help others. This is God tugging at you to do His work. 

Message #2: Depression is real. In order to get out of a state of depression, if one is not connected to God, it will take you longer to get out of that depressive state.

Tomorrow we begin VBS. 
Theme: Fight the Good Fight 

I had some more donation money come in after my thank you blog had posted last week. The amount of money that I will be giving the pastor has increased by $200. All I can say is that God is good and I am forever grateful for each of you that gave. Never underestimate what He can do. I've included pics of what your donation money purchased. The other missionaries that came with me brought snacks, koolaid and school supplies for the kids. Thanks again for everything!


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