

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 1 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

I made it to Jamaica safely. I wasn't use to traveling with so many bags and forgot one of my luggages at baggage claim. I noticed that I forgot my bag while still at the airport waiting to be picked up. In most airports in the states, I would have been able to walk back into the airport and grab my bag that I left. My experience today marked a lesson learned in never forgetting another bag. All I can say is OMG!!! An hour later I was given my bag. Thank you, Jesus!!!

As the other ladies and I planned out specifics about vacation bible school (VBS) with the pastor. We had quite the downpour. After it rained I witnessed this (see the picture below). What are the odds of observing a double rainbow? It was during this time that the pastor was telling us the importance of building meaningful lifetime relationships with children and how there was one young man who came to the pastors wife expressing that he didn't want to live anymore. He also shared his plan of how he would end his life. 

There is much work to do. I pray that God works through me on my christian journey to the point in which others know that I am a child of God by just being around me. 

Live ~ Laugh ~ Love 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good girl. They will see your light shining through.

  3. Love the blog. Hope more to come. Be safe! Prayers always!
