

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 3 - 2017 Mission Jamaica

Acts 10:34-35
Peter said, "I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him. 

VBS Theme: We are Soliders in the Army

Today was the first day of VBS. A skit was done on fairness. The kids were expected to recite, explain meaning and memorize the above noted scripture. I had the high school group. I brought some fidget spinners as prizes for the first two kids who were able to recite the verse from memory first. Had I known the fidget spinners would be such a hit, I would have brought more. I had kids and adults alike asking for a fidget spinner.  Below is a picture of one of the helpers. As I was leaving the church she approaches me and says,
"Miss, you know I want a fidget spinner ya know."
 I looked and said, "Are you asking me for a fidget spinner?" 
She said, "Yes, Miss."
I busted out laughing and said, "Now you know you need to be shame for asking me for a fidget spinner!" She started laughing with me. Hence the picture of how she approached me about the fidget spinner. Lol!!! 

One of the male helpers approached me and said, "Miss, are you giving out fidget spinners?"
I said, "Yes, to a couple of kids".
He says, "I don't want one, but did you know that they were created to help children with Autism?" 
I said, "Yep, and they help children who have ADHD too."

Today was a great day!!! I love Jamaica mon! 

As you know, my birthday was on Monday. Before leaving VBS for the day the kids and adults sang happy birthday to me. I wasn't expecting a cake, so I made sure to bring something sweet with me on the trip. My choice of sweetness were some Minnecookies that I bought and packed just for the trip. Though I'm in Jamaica, I could taste the nice all the way from Minnesota. 
Thank you Jenny Peterson for the cookies!!! 


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